Device Interface - Audio: Tremetrics/Maico

The following is referring to a Tremetrics RA500 or Maico MA800 audiogram system. Contact your MIE Implementer to see if your audio system model can be interfaced or quoted.
Within Enterprise Health , you may have a chart tab named Audio Tool where you can import audiogram results manually or by device interface. Contact your MIE Implementer for set up. From the Audio Tool chart tab you can click Add Audiogram to add data results.

Click Connect to RA500 Tremetrics or Connect to Maico MA800 hyperlink to the device that you have attached.

The Open Port window will open on your screen. Type in the Port (if needs changed) then click the Open Port button.

After conducting the exam, the Waiting for data…. Message appears. Wait for the data to load to receive the results into Enterprise Health .

The audiogram results data will be shown on the screen from the device. Click the Save Results button to save the data into Enterprise Health .

A window message will display that the audio data was successfully saved.

Make sure to then click the Submit button in Enterprise Health so that the data will be submitted into the patient’s chart.

The audiogram results will appear on the screen and is saved in the patient’s chart as a stored document. See help documentation “Audio Tool.pdf” for more information on how to use this document and comparison tools, etc.

Enterprise Health Documentation

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