PSPA 17 - Implementation of Analytic Capabilities to Manage Total Cost of Care for Practice Population

Activity Weighting: Medium
Subcategory Name: Patient Safety and Practice Assessment
Description: Build the analytic capability required to manage total cost of care for the practice population that could include one or more of the following:

  • Train appropriate staff on interpretation of cost and utilization information; and/or
  • Use available data regularly to analyze opportunities to reduce cost through improved care.

Supporting Documentation

  1. Staff Training - Documentation of staff training on interpretation of cost and utilization information (e.g. training certificate); or 
  2. Cost/Resource Use Data - Availability of cost/resource use data for the practice population that is used regularly to analyze opportunities to reduce cost.

2018 Improvement Activities Requirements
2019 Improvement Activities Requirements
2018 MIPS Improvement Activities Fact Sheet
Scores for Improvement Activities for MIPS APMs in the 2018 Performance Period Fact Sheet

Enterprise Health Documentation

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